Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rule 34 - Helping Keep GoDaddy in Business

sam says:
lol, i remember us having a conversation about something similar to this: http://www.xkcd.com/305/

Hyd says:
If I purchased all the useless domain names that I came up with on a whim just because there should be a site for them....I would be paying the wages for Bob Parsons.

sam says:
lol no kiddin


  1. Please remove this post at once. This is very close to exactly how the wages are paid. :)

  2. I've seen "Live bookmark feed failed to load" since forever ago for your blog :(

    Now back to stalking, ...I mean uuuhm... HI :D

  3. Sorry. That is prolly because I switched hosting. My hosting account got canceled so I moved the blog back to blogger's free hosting.

    You should be able to redo it and it should work. Lemme make sure that my allow RSS feed is turned on.

    *checking settings*
