Thursday, October 16, 2008

Happy Hyd Day

Today I turned 25. A quarter of a century. Wowie.

It was a nice day to turn 25. I got woken up by a phone call with my Black-haired granny. Followed shortly thereafter by a lovely duet singing a "Happy Hyd-Day to you" song. =D I even imagined that I got extra loves from the kitty kat.

Work surprised me with a balloon and a gi-normous piece of German Chocolate cake.
I also received a very nice b-day card in which one of my bosses signed with bold tags. It was cute and geeky.

An easy day at work was followed by a lovely evening. The boy took me out for dinner and shopping to get some new sunglasses. My old sunglasses had an unfortunate accident in the bottom of my purse and got really scratched up. So I was in the market.

It was very hard parting with my trusty, durable, lovely, Vogues. I felt like I was cheating on them as I perused the other pairs. They are quite different from my old pair, but I like them. A little more fragile, which I am kinda worried about. But I think I can handle it.

What do you think?

I also got some other goodies...

And lots of fun cards and goodies from my Idaho family.

Kitty liked my b-day ballon too...*nom *nom

Ah bdays. A good excuse to eat lots of cake and play with colorful balloons. I mean really...who doesn't love that?

1 comment:

  1. For some reason, firefox keeps throwing a twitter login up on me when i come to your page. Which, smartass, is why I ventured to the fricken twitter page to start with.

    so there!


