Tuesday, June 23, 2009

1 Fish, 2 Fish... Part 4

So I am not sure what the deal is with me finding goldfish in the most random of places, but last week my tank became home to four new finned friends. Last Wednesday I went to visit my college and sit-in on a presentation by one of my professor-friend's classes. She needed people to review her students and give them feedback on their presentation so I and a couple of good friends from college decided to help her out.

In the classroom on top of the rollaway TV cart, was a seemingly empty Starbucks cup. But when one of the students went to toss it out she noticed that it was not empty at all, but contained a small amount of water and four little goldfish flitting about the bottom.

"Are you kidding me?" I exclaimed.

No one knew where they had come from and assumed it was from a former presentation earlier that day. But why the heck someone would use some poor live fishies is beyond me (as I have already made clear).

I examined them closely and being much less scurvy looking than the last bunch, I decided they would be okay to take home. So they rode with us in the car, in their Starbucks cup in the cup holder. They also accompanied us to dinner at Wendy's where they received a water change in the soda dispenser.

They have been with me a week and so far so good. They are actually kinda pretty little fish. They are white and orange spotted like Koi fish. =) But while my heart has endless capacity for saving abandoned critters, my fish tank capacity is well beyond full, so please people...stop with the fish abuse!


  1. We are down to a single fish, so if you find any more homeless fish, let me know. We can set up some sort of shelter.

  2. Lols! Okay! Hopefully this will not be a regular occurrence but I will keep that in mind. Heather and Heidi's Home for Homeless Animals is in business! (Not as cool as Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends...but it'll do)
