Friday, September 24, 2010

C25K Day 2

Before I get started, I just want to say that I will try to not to be one of those people who blog about their health and fitness progress and what they ate everyday and all that stuff all the time (I will start a new blog for that if I feel the need to be so detailed).  BUT I did want to say that running day two was great! It went so much smoother than day one and it is really motivating to see even a teeny smidgen of progress from day to day. And to not be mostly dead and ready to pass out afterward is good too! ^_~

I slapped on some blister blockers so my current owies didn't get any worse and got to it. I also shortened my stride and didn't have any problems with my hip hurting today which was fabulous! My legs muscles burned pretty good (as expected) but even right now as I am writing this they hurt less then yesterday when I didn't run at all. It is amazing how quickly your body heals and adjusts!

The hardest part was the "Battle of the Bed" and laying there at 5:30 as the alarm went off and arguing with myself about whether to go out or not. "But I'm so sore." "I have a late night tonight so I need more sleep." "My blisters hurt." *whine* But I sucked it up and got to it and am so glad that I did.

I like that Jon is participating too. Having someone else to go with really helps. I can make excuses for days for myself to stay in bed, but if I am committed to someone else then I am less likely to back out.

Another bonus was that it was refreshing to be outside so early in the morning. It is like Arizona woke up yesterday (conveniently on the first day of Autumn) and decided "okay, it is time to be fall". And even though the days still creep up to 100 degrees in the afternoon, the mornings have been crisp and beautiful. I am happy to have been awake and outside to enjoy them. =) This might bode very well for my wanting to be a morning person goal.

Lastly, my new running shoes shipped today and should be here next week! So excited!

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