Sunday, March 08, 2009

1 Fish, 2 Fish...

Today I caught a fish. Well, 11 fish actually.

It actually started with a Baby Shower. A weird place to pick up fish, I know! The party was a Luau theme and the house was decorated with Hawaiian leis, tiki masks, the works. And on the luncheon tables were pretty glass vases with colored stones and fish...real fish.

My initial thought was "GASP! Those poor fish in those little jars! Eeek!" The feeling seemed to be mutual around the table. I guess it was one of the hostesses decoration ideas, and the shower recipient didn't think too much of it herself.

After the party started to wind down I asked her what was going to become of the little guys. Apparently they were "up for grabs". And if no one was grabbing the plan was a one way ticket on the porcelain express. (the horror!!)

Now it is weird enough to use live fish as table decor, but someone really didn't think this through. They just bought these little fish for decoration and then planned to flush them? What the hell is that!? I have to say I was a little bit appalled by it.

So offered to take them home. "All of them? Heidi, are you sure?" Yes. All of them. So all of them, save for two who were claimed by someone else and whose fate is unknown, came home with me, riding in a plastic container on Sami's lap.

I have wanted a fishtank for a few years now. My Dad has a huge fishtank and I always enjoyed watching the fish play. I even bought a book on Aquariums a few years back to study up on what I needed to have a healthy aquarium environment. Luckily my notes were still tucked inside the book. So I spent the later part of my afternoon brushing up on fish care, shopping, and setting up the tank. Yays!

They are nothing fancy. Just little goldfish. But that is what I had planned on getting for my first tank since they are hearty, can tolerate a wide range of PH and temperature level, and they are cute. (look at them! Aren't they cute?)

Right now they are chilling in the bedroom until we can find a table or stand that is structurally sound enough to support 200 lbs of water. Then they will move out to the living room where all can enjoy them. The kitty hasn't taken too much interest in them yet, but she isn't the best hunter. (Sometimes I swear she grew up with dogs because she is so uncatlike.) I have to admit that my wallet took a considerable hit in the process of all this, but I think the lives of 11 little fishies was worth it. =)


  1. :) You're AWESOME! Thank you for saving the fish! Have you named them yet?

  2. Hee hee, well...most of them. Let's far there is Akira, Tiger, Captain Jack Sparrow, Ikcy, The Dread Pirate Roberts, Inigo Montoya, Fezzik, & Bubbles. 3 are unnamed. A big one and two little ones that I have just been calling Sushi 1 and Sushi 2 because they look the same.
